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Our Mission:
The mission of is to serve as an online Catholic information center providing resources to help people bridge the gap between our Catholic faith and our daily lives. is a resource for lay and ordained Catholics and for others interested in the Catholic tradition.
Why the name Active Parishioner?
The Catholic faith is so much deeper and richer than what we can experience in an hour on Sundays. Yet, in our busy lives, it’s easy to not think about our faith as we go about our work, our studies and our leisure activities the rest of the week.
Being an active member of a parish community is foundational to growing in one’s faith. But it’s the starting point, not the end point. The spiritual hunger that is often felt by many individuals points to the need to better integrate our faith with our entire lives.
An Active Parishioner is one who is seeking to better understand the Catholic faith; who is participating in parish liturgies; who is taking God’s input seriously in making life decisions; who keeps an open, two-way communication line with God; who is involved in the local community; and who takes the Good News to heart by reaching out to those in need.
That sounds like a lot to do, but it’s not as hard as it seems. provides the resources for you to take small steps in deepening your life as a Catholic.
Who Are We?
We are based in the United States in the state of Virginia and have decided to launch this website as a service to Catholics and those interested in the Catholic faith. We have a profound appreciation of the many wonderful Catholic resources that exist and want to share this information with you on an ongoing basis.
The site was founded by Ana Kelly, former Associate Director at the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).
After many years of volunteering at the parish level and working professionally at the national level within the Catholic Church, it became apparent that there is often a “disconnect” between people and available resources. How does one find good resources to better integrate faith with daily life? We hope to answer this question by helping people connect with the many wonderful Catholic resources that exist.
We are totally self-funded. Our income comes from the books and other items you purchase from our site and from our ad sponsors. If you find a resource on our site that you would like to purchase, please do so by following the link to Amazon from our site. In fact, anything you purchase from Amazon after clicking on a link from our site will provide a referral fee to us, at no cost to you.
We are excited about helping you on your faith journey. We welcome your ideas and suggestions on how we can make this site even more useful for you. Please send us your comments at: Thank you!
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