Link to Confraternity of Penitents
Confraternity of Penitents Catholic Lay Association of the Faithful: Living St. Francis' Original Rule of Life for Lay People in Modern Times
The Confraternity of Penitents is an international, non-profit, tax exempt private association of the Roman Catholic faithful laity, with commendation, under the Bishop of the Diocese of Fort Wayne/South Bend, Indiana, USA. Its original foundation had been in the Diocese of Providence, Rhode Island, in the 1990's.
Confraternity members live, within their own homes, modern constitutions to the original rule for penitent lay people which Saint Francis of Assisi gave to the men and women of his time in the year 1221. Today a few other groups are also living expressions of this Rule of 1221 for the laity. However, the Confraternity of Penitents (CFP) differs from these few others in that the Confraternity's Vision is "TO LIVE THE RULE OF 1221 AS CLOSELY AS POSSIBLE TO ITS ORIGINAL INTENT." That intent was to have the penitent laity focus on surrender to God through faith, prayer, fasting and abstinence, simplicity of dress, and works of mercy. Might this be what you are seeking?
The CFP Constitutions adapt the Rule to modern times so that penitents do not appear singular or novel in modern society just as they did not appear singular or novel in their own society of 1221, while still requiring clothing parameters as did the original Rule The CFP members follow the same days of fast and abstinence, pray the same prayers, hold the same sorts of communal gatherings, and participate in works of mercy just as did the penitents of Saint Francis's time. Can you picture yourself living your life in this peaceful, joyful, and organized way?
Is it possible today to live an 800 year old Rule of Life, that spawned many saints, in one's own home? Our nearly thirty professed members prove that it is! Come and see what the Confraternity of Penitents has to offer! You may be surprised that a life of penance (conversion) will be your joyful path to surrender to God and holiness!
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