lunes, 30 de septiembre de 2013


Link to Godtube

About Us is a video sharing platform offering online Christian videos with faith-based, family friendly content. Popular video sections on Godtube include; Christian bands and singers in Christian music videos, Christian comedians and comedy skits, spoofs and parodies in funny videos, cute videos featuring kids and animals, sports videos, Christian news videos and inspirational videos. Be inspired in your walk with Jesus Christ and grow in your knowledge of the Bible with videos highlighting inspirational messages and verses.

domingo, 29 de septiembre de 2013

Laicos de Nazaret, Colombia y Ecuador

Laicos de Nazaret, San Bernardino, Caracas (Venezuela)

Blog de la asociación Laicos de Nazaret vinculados a las Misioneras de la Sagrada Familia de Nazaret en Venezuela.

Fraternidades Nazarenas

Bienvenidos al espacio de la Asociación
de la Sagrada Familia

Este blog tiene como finalidad darnos a conocer, compartir la Palabra de cada domingo, contarles que propósitos nos guían, mostrarles fotografías de nuestros encuentros, celebraciones y festejos y por supuesto…¡ganar amigos!

Somos cristianos católicos laicos unidos a la Congregación de los Hermanos de la Sagrada Familia. Con ellos compartimos el “espíritu de familia” que el Hermano Gabriel Taborin, su fundador, trasmitió a sus religiosos y hoy perdura en las comunidades de religiosos y laicos extendidas por todo el mundo.

En las “entradas” del blog incluimos el “Plan de Vida” (estatuto), Plan de Formación, historia, documentos e información para todos aquellos interesados en conocer más profundamente nuestra Asociación.

Además hay “enlaces” con las diferentes provincias religiosas de Hermanos para que puedan conocer  a la Congregación, su Misión y actividades en las diferentes partes del mundo donde están establecidas.

También incluimos “sitios de interés” para todos los fieles de nuestra Iglesia Católica que nos visitan.

viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013

Parroquias Sagrada Familia

Consistent Life, Voices for Peace and Life

Consistent Life (formerly called Seamless Garment Network) is a network uniting many organizations and individuals who support the consistent ethic of reverence for life, as expressed in our Mission Statement.

Our work is spreading the consistent ethic vision throughout the community, our nation and the world. Some major ways we do this are the placement of ads in national and local publications, and exhibiting at conferences. Many ads have consisted simply of the above Mission Statement, followed by the names of some of the many people committed to peace, justice and life who endorse this statement, although more recently many ads have explained what we stand for and resources we have available without the lists of endorsers.

We have about 200 member groups which include activist groups on the various issues that make up the consistent life ethic, groups made up of particular constituencies, and faith groups.

What are we trying to achieve? A revolution in thinking and feeling, an affirmation of peace and nonviolence, an infinite gentleness, a value for the life, happiness and welfare of every person, and all the political and structural changes that will bring this about.

Pax Christi International, The International Catholic Peace Movement

Pax Christi International is a global Catholic peace movement and network that works to help establish Peace, Respect for Human Rights, Justice and Reconciliation in areas of the world that are torn by conflict. It is grounded in the belief that peace is possible and that vicious cycles of violence and injustice can be broken.

Pax Christi was founded in Europe in 1945 as a reconciliation movement bringing together French and Germans after World War II. Today, the movement has more than 100 Member Organisations active in more than 50 countries and five continents worldwide.

Pax Christi operates as an autonomous Catholic entity in which laypeople, bishops and other religious members work as equals in pursuit of their peace building goals. A faith-based Catholic movement, Pax Christi pays special attention to both the positive and negative impact of religion in attempting to resolve conflicts.

Structurally, Pax Christi is a “bottom up” organisation comprised, on one hand, of national sections and local groups, all carrying the Pax Christi name, and, on the other hand, of affiliated partners and organisations who work under their own names.

Pax Christi International operates in two basic spheres: one responds to requests for help from local peace groups in regions experiencing conflict around the world, and the second supports international coalitions that focus on timely issues like banning landmines, curbing the trade and proliferation of small arms, establishing an International Criminal Court, and abolishing nuclear weapons.

Increasingly, Pax Christi International is sought as a valuable member of international coalitions and as an influential advocate at intergovernmental levels. Since 1979, Pax Christi International has held special consultative status with the United Nations in New York, Geneva and Vienna, as well as with UNESCO in Paris. It is also officially represented at the African Union in Addis Ababa and at the Council of Europe and enjoys, along with its Member Organisations, access to the European Parliament and the European Commission.

Pax Christi USA

Pax Christi USA is a national Catholic organization, reaching over a half-million Catholics directly every year. We have over 400 local groups throughout the United States, over 100 bishop members, 700 parish sponsors, 600 religious communities, and 50 college and high school chapters.

Pax Christi USA strives to create a world that reflects the Peace of Christ by exploring, articulating, and witnessing to the call of Christian nonviolence. This work begins in personal life and extends to communities of reflection and action to transform structures of society.

Pax Christi USA rejects war, preparations for war, and every form of violence and domination. It advocates primacy of conscience, economic and social justice, and respect for creation.

Pax Christi USA commits itself to peace education and, with the help of its bishop members, promotes the gospel imperative of peacemaking as a priority in the Catholic Church in the United States. Through the efforts of all its members and in cooperation with other groups, Pax Christi USA works toward a more peaceful, just, and sustainable world.

Pax Christi is a section of Pax Christi International, the Catholic peace movement.

Pace e Bene, Education, Resources and Action for Nonviolent Change

Link to Pace e Bene

Transforming our lives and our world through nonviolence education, resources, and action.

Imagine a world with dignity, justice, and peace for all. A world with the tools to challenge the spiral of war, poverty and ecological devastation. A world where we apply these tools to our own lives as well as our larger society.

Pace e Bene is bringing that world into being one person, one group, one organization at a time.

For Pace e Bene, nonviolence is more than a principle for effective protest – it is a way of life. For two decades Pace e Bene’s unique approach has been transforming lives and reaching people around the globe.

Since its founding in 1989, over 25,000 people have taken 600 Pace e Bene workshops to gain tools for more healthy relationships and to create a new society. Pace e Bene participants tap their fearlessness and empathy — and unleash the power of nonviolent change.

Pace e Bene has offices and associates in Oakland, Los Angeles,  Chicago, Las Vegas, New England, Washington, DC (Metro Area), Montreal, Australia, and Nigeria, and a growing number of partners and trainers in the US and around the world. Together we work with individuals, organizations, and movements to strengthen their efforts to end war, protect human rights, challenge injustice, and to meet today’s profound spiritual task: to build a more just and peaceful world.

Fundación Seminario de Investigación para la Paz

El Seminario de Investigación para la Paz (SIP) nació en 1984 vinculado al Centro Pignatelli de Zaragoza. En 2002, éste se constituye Fundación SIP. Su objetivo es contribuir a la investigación para la paz en sus múltiples facetas, dentro de un marco interdisciplinar e independiente en su orientación.

Tiene suscritos convenios de colaboración con el Gobierno y las Cortes de Aragón, así como con la Universidad de Zaragoza, que otorga reconocimiento académico a sus cursos. Es miembro fundador de la Asociación Española de Investigación para la Paz (AIPAZ) y desde 2004 esta asociada al Departamento de Información Pública de Naciones Unidas en Nueva York.

Cada año propone un proyecto de sesiones de estudio y debate (seminario central), programa cursos, encarga trabajos de investigación, elabora informes y propuestas, y convoca las Jornadas Aragonesas de Educación para la Paz. Colabora estrechamente con otras instituciones nacionales e internacionales de investigación para la paz y otorga un lugar importante a la sensibilización ciudadana.

The Damietta Initiative

Link to the Damietta Initiative

Welcoming people of all faiths to sow the seeds of non-violence and peace throughout Africa in the Spirit of St Francis of Assisi.


The vision of the Damietta Initiative is to have an African Continent that is non-violent, tolerant, conciliatory, respectful towards all creatures, and environmentally sustainable.

It respects the dignity of difference while revitalizing the spiritual search for values that will enable it to shape multiple “dialogues of a civilization” and non-violent alternatives to prophecies of impending clashes.

The formation of multiple Pan-African Conciliation Teams (PACT) whose specific peacemaking skills will include training others in peacebuilding roles and strategies and environmental respect.

To provide ‘conflict transformation’ experiences geared, in the first place, to the restoration of relationships between peoples rather than dissecting the material content of conflicts.

To awaken religious imagination among peoples in Africa to think of a future culture of peace permeating the continent. In this vision of Africa, every church, every mosque, every synagogue, every temple and other sites of worship will be dedicated to the embodiment of nonviolence in terms of tolerance, reconciliation and respect for creation.


Damietta Peace Initiative is a pro-active Franciscan Peace Enterprise whose mission is to build up in Africa – at local and national levels - the theory and practice of nonviolence, reconciliation and care for creation.
In response to this mission, the Damietta Initiative will activate the twelve thousand members of the religious family throughout different regions in Africa. This has the full backing from the combined leadership at the highest level.
The task of the Franciscan family network in Africa, whether priests, sisters, brothers or lay, is to be ‘a bridge’ or entry point for the Damietta Initiative to connect into local neighbourhoods. Teams will be formed in the local communities, drawn from mixed religious and ethnic background, who will then be trained in the methods of nonviolence, reconciliation and care for creation, assisted by different ecumenical peace education groups.

The teams, known as Pan-African Conciliation Teams, (PACT) will learn how to monitor tensions and conflicts by way of social analysis and to intervene before conflict spills over into violence.

By their presence, PACT will act as a taproot for peace in the local area, by giving witness to ethnic and religious disputants that cohesive living is possible - a precondition in Africa today for the optimum use of foreign social and economic aid.

Voices for Creative Non Violence

Voices for Creative Nonviolence has deep, long-standing roots in active nonviolent resistance to U.S. war-making. Begun in the summer of 2005, Voices draws from the experiences of those who challenged the brutal economic sanctions imposed by the U.S. and U.N. against the Iraqi people between 1990 and 2003.

Members of Voices led over 70 delegations to Iraq to challenge the economic sanctions and were present in Baghdad in resistance the 2003 U.S. military invasion. Since 2009, Voices has led five delegations to Afghanistan and two to Pakistan to listen and learn from nonviolent grassroots movements and to raise awareness about the negative impacts of U.S. militarism in the region.

Voices participants rely on and have learned from experiences of those who have engaged in active nonviolent resistance to military might in the U.S. including draft resistance; resistance to the wars in Latin America; and resistance to nuclear weapons, such as the Plowshares resistance efforts. Voices draws upon the lessons gleaned from active participation in peace teams in Haiti, Yugoslavia, Palestine and Iraq.

We recognize that for years now the U.S. has stood on the precipice of all out devastation-of itself and of the world. We look to history as a guide-and try to learn lessons from those who preceded us in far more dire circumstances, who somehow found the ability to form communities of resistance to oppression in Nazi Germany, in apartheid South Africa, in the Jim Crow South of the U.S. and in the super segregated cities of the North.

We ask-what is the appropriate response of a citizenry in a country which has committed unspeakable crimes against a people? Several hundred thousand Iraqis died as a consequence of economic sanctions. Tens, if not hundreds, of thousands continue to die as a consequence of the U.S. occupation of Iraq. Nearly 300,000 Iraqi children under the age of 5 suffer acute malnutrition-when will they die?

The U.S. has adopted the doctrine of “pre-emptive” military action. No longer must Congress approve a war before one is begun and waged. No longer must an imminent threat-however loosely defined that may ever have been- exist before war begins. The U.S. has arrogated to itself the role of Enforcer against the rest of the world.

We are on the precipice of a full blown world war-if one is not already under way. And we ask: what must our response be? And our answer-as tentative, grappling, searching and seeking as it may be-is that it falls upon us as citizens of the country initiating this world war to utilize all nonviolent means available to turn off war -to engage the electoral and legislative process, most definitely; to protest, of course; and to march and demonstrate.

We must also move from protest to active nonviolent resistance. We must withdraw our collaboration and complicity with this system and use our bodies and lives as a means to bring the machinery of death to a grinding halt. Nonviolence, nonviolent action and nonviolent resistance cannot be a single day event-it must be a commitment we make and act upon every day of our lives.

What might this active nonviolent resistance look like? And how might we act in solidarity with the Iraqi peoples and others who find themselves in the crosshairs of U.S. war-making?

Voices is committed to strategic campaigns and experiments in truth engaging in active nonviolent resistance. Such resistance must take into account that war-making is both military and economic.

Vida Sacerdotal

Enlace a Vida Sacerdotal

Quiénes somos

Vida sacerdotal - Información para sacerdotes nace en septiembre de 2003 con el deseo de facilitar la vida espiritual, ministerial y pastoral de los sacerdotes católicos de lengua española, y ofrecer información que quiere ser útil para la vida de los sacerdotes. En estos años ha recibido visitas de los cinco continentes y muchos sacerdotes y seminaristas han manifestado su agradecimiento por los artículos que han encontrado aquí.

En sus secciones el visitante encontrará artículos y documentos en lengua española del Romano Pontífice, de la Santa Sede y de otras fuentes, con la característica común de su relación con la vida de los sacerdotes, su ministerio y sus valores y virtudes propios.

Quién redacta Vida Sacerdotal

La página Vida sacerdotal - Información para sacerdotes la elabora Pedro María Reyes Vizcaíno. Licenciado en Derecho por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid -en la que cursó los estudios de licenciatura de 1981 a 1986-, hizo la licenciatura en Derecho Canónico en la Pontificia Universidad de la Santa Cruz (Roma), terminándola en 1990, y en 1992 obtuvo el doctorado en Derecho Canónico en la Universidad de Navarra (España). Se ordenó sacerdote en 1992, está incardinado en la Prelatura del Opus Dei, y actualmente ejerce su ministerio en Buenos Aires (Argentina). Anteriormente ha ejercido su ministerio en Madrid, Cuenca y Guadalajara (España).

A lo largo de los años ha recogido documentos sobre los sacerdotes y el sacerdocio. Con el deseo de que puedan ser útiles para otros sacerdotes de la Iglesia Católica, se han colocado en esta página de internet para que estén a disposición de todos los navegantes. Algunos de los documentos son inéditos en lengua castellana en la red.

También se recogen artículos redactados por diversos autores sobre cuestiones de interés para la vida de los sacerdotes de la Iglesia Católica, así como noticias de interés para los sacerdotes y documentos diversos, como oraciones o selecciones de textos.

El editor de Vida sacerdotal - Información para sacerdotes no comparte necesariamente las opiniones vertidas en los artículos que se han tomado de otros autores.

The National Institute for the Renewal of Priesthood

Mission Statement

Put all the good works in the world
against one Holy Mass.
They will be as a grain of sand
beside a mountain.
St. John Vianney

We have been given a sacred trust that has been passed down from generations long ago up to the modern time. Part of that sacred trust has to do with our interactions with our community of both laity and clergy.

The National Institute for the Renewal of the Priesthood was established to promote discussion and provide a forum for that discussion on the priesthood and how we can better strengthen and support each other in our commitment to serve the Lord and the people of His Church.

The Institute will continue to provide both the resources and the opportunity to share information, research and the real life experiences we all share as members of the clergy in an effort to strengthen both our presence as a community of faith and action in promoting and living the message of the New Testament. 

Alter Christus

Enlace a Alter Christus

Alter Christus busca irradiar una espiritualidad sacerdotal de comunión a través de ejercicios y retiros espirituales, dirección espiritual, cursos de formación y renovación sacerdotal. un programa al servicio de los Obispos para la formación permanente de los sacerdotes.

...ofrece también la posibilidad de compartir el dinamismo de la familia apostólica del Regnum Christi y formar parte de ella.

Association of Catholic Priests, Ireland

We are an association for Catholic Priests who wish to have a forum, and a voice to reflect, discuss and comment on issues affecting the Irish Church and society today.


Enlace a Pro-Vida
Enlace a Bioética

El Pregonero

Enlace a El Pregonero

El Pregonero es un semanario de información general, al servicio de la comunidad hispana del área metropolitana de Washington. Su objetivo es preservar la identidad y fe católica de nuestra comunidad, tanto del que se ha establecido aquí como del recién llegado, proveyendo a nuestros lectores de relevantes informaciones de interés general, en su lengua materna.

El Pregonero, la publicación en español más antigua y respetada de la capital de Estados Unidos, nació, en agosto de 1977, para brindar a los hispanos un medio de comunicación que, además de informarles en su propia lengua, les guiara en sus esfuerzos por integrarse a una nueva sociedad.

Testimonios y premios atestiguan la madurez de esta publicación que ha ido a la par del crecimiento y madurez de nuestra comunidad, cuyo número ha aumentado considerablemente. En ese andadura, El Pregonero ha estado siempre presente, acompañando a esa comunidad hispana, ofreciendo orientación, formación, comentarios, entretenimientos, actividades culturales, deportes y noticias de América Latina.

El Pregonero reconoce que el periodismo es un lazo de comunicación entre nosotros, pero sobre todo es un lazo de liderazgo y participación en este mundo histórico de América, donde vivimos y nos toca aportar, desarrollar y alentar a los jóvenes, a las familias, a trabajar con la fuerza de la fe, con la creatividad, ilusiones y esperanzas de su cultura, que es universal.


Carroll Publishing Company es una organización de prensa católica que comunica las enseñanzas de Jesucristo, tal como las imparte la oficina de enseñanzas de iglesia y las vive la Iglesia Católica en la Arquidiocésis de Washington. Con sus dos periódicos, El Pregonero y el Catholic Standard, además de otros medios, la empresa existe para brindar a sus lectores noticias precisas e información sobre la iglesia y su rol en la comunidad local, a nivel nacional e internacional.

Como un instrumento de educación y evangelización, apoyamos al desarrollo de la fe y la unidad en la iglesia local; promocionamos un foro para la expresión de respetuosos puntos de vista consistentes con las enseñanzas de la iglesia. Nuestro trabajo defiende la dignidad otorgada por Dios a toda la humanidad; sirve a una comunidad católica rica en diversidad étnica y cultural;e inspira a la gente a llevar una vida llena de fe.


Carroll Publishing Company es la primera y mejor fuente de noticias, información y comentarios desde una perspectiva de fe católica que sirve a la diversa comunidad de la Arquidiócesis de Washington.

Catholic New World

Newspaper of the Archdiocese of Chicago.

Mission Statement: is a product of Catholic New World, the official newspaper of the Archdiocese of Chicago. This site is not meant to replicate or replace the print edition, only complement it, providing the benefits of up-to-date information that is unique to the Web.

Its mission, like its parent publication, is to be the key source of information about the church in Chicago. It provides news, analysis and commentary about the church at the world, national and local levels and about issues of concern to the Catholic community. It acts as an instrument of evangelization by providing current information and guidance in matters of faith, morals and spiritual life.

Catholic Herald

The Catholic Herald is a London-based Roman Catholic newspaper, published in broadsheet format. The Herald reports a total circulation of about 21,000 copies distributed to Roman Catholic parishes, wholesale outlets and postal subscribers.

Reflexión y Liberación

Pensamiento cristiano liberador para América Latina.

Today´s Parish, Ideas and Inspiration for Pastors, Parish Ministers and Leaders

Today's Parish provides practical and proven best practices as well as inspiration for pastors and lay ministers to inspire and strengthen effective parish ministry and organization so that the people of God will be better able to live their faith and grow closer to God. To accomplish this, Today's Parish seeks out the best pastoral methods to help parish ministers live and teach what the Church lives and teaches.

Valores Religiosos


El suplemento Valores Religiosos surgió por iniciativa del presbítero Guillermo Marcó, director de la Oficina de Prensa del arzobispado de Buenos Aires. Marcó se inspiró en el suplemento Alfa y Omega, que semanalmente aparece con el diario ABC, de España, producto de un acuerdo entre el arzobispado de Madrid y el periódico. En la Argentina, Marcó presentó la idea a Clarín – el diario de habla hispana de mayor circulación en el mundo - que inmediatamente aceptó la propuesta.

Quiénes somos

Al igual que en España, para canalizar la propuesta se conformó una asociación civil sin fines de lucro –Trabajar para la Caridad - compuesta por un grupo de laicos comprometidos encabezados por el licenciado Luis Crego. Se acordó que el editor periodístico fuera Sergio Rubin, premio Santa Clara de Asís, quien desde hace más de una década está a cargo de los temas religiosos en Clarín. El padre Marcó es el asesor editorial y columnista habitual.

La propuesta

El suplemento muestra el quehacer religioso, los hechos y opiniones del vasto campo de la Iglesia católica y las demás confesiones, las problemáticas espirituales de nuestro tiempo con un estilo ameno y un espíritu ecuménico e interreligioso. La idea es que el lector se interese por las cuestiones religiosas que tienen diversas manifestaciones en la vida de la sociedad. Porque se busca la promoción de los valores religiosos, su encarnación en la vida cotidiana y en una cultura que parece adversa a una mirada trascendente.

Enlace a Tu Cristo

Quienes somos: 

Es un ministerio católico, laicos comprometidos en el estado de Texas. Como administradores del Reino de Dios, buscamos conectar la creación de Dios con su Creador a través de los medios tecnológicos, enfocados en la Nueva Evangelización.


Evangelizar a través de los testimonios, como evidencia real de la muerte y resurrección de nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Cuyo poder se manifiesta por medio de nuestra fe en Jesucristo.
(2 Timoteo 1, 6-9, Efesios 3,14-21)


Mostrar la nueva cara de la Evangelización alrededor de toda la tierra, con un nuevo Ardor que nos deja cada testimonio.

Estrategia: es una página Web cuyo propósito es conectar a otros cristianos para que compartas sus testimonios y sus experiencias con Jesucristo, sus testimonios.  Y para exponer esas experiencias utilizamos la tecnología de video. Todo esto envuelve esfuerzos de todos con el fin de animar, y mostrar la nueva cara de la Nueva Evangelización del Evangelio alrededor de toda la tierra.

En TuCristo, queremos dejar a un lado 'el temor' (2 Timoteo 1,7) y dar a conocer las evidencias reales vividas personalmente , la grandeza y el amor del Padre, cuyo propósito vino a manifestar Jesús en nuestras vidas.

Declaración de Fe:

Fuimos escogidos en Cristo para ser Sus Testigos, y manifestar el amor personal de Dios hacia nosotros. De acuerdo a Isaías 43,10: 'Ustedes son mis testigos, mis siervos, que yo elegí, para que me conozcan y confíen en mí y entiendan quien soy. Antes de mí no ha existido ningún Dios, mi habrá ninguno después de mí. Solo yo soy el Señor, fuera de mí nadie puede salvar.'

1. Testigos de su Perdón (Colosenses 3,12-15)
2. Testigos de su Amor (1 Juan 4, 10, Efesios 3,17)
3. Damos testimonio (2 Timoteo 1, 6-9)

Religión Digital

jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013

Religión Confidencial

La información religiosa de España y el mundo que no te puedes perder.

National Catholic Reporter

About Us

Established in 1964, the National Catholic Reporter (NCR) began as a newspaper and is now a print and Web news source that stands as one of the few independent journalistic outlets for Catholics and others who struggle with the complex moral and societal issues of the day. NCR is headquartered in Kansas City, Missouri.

National Catholic Register

About Us

Our mission is to provide a perspective on the news of the day as seen through the eyes of the Magisterium. We assist Catholics in engaging the culture with confidence in the saving and sanctifying Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The National Catholic Register was founded in 1927 by Msgr. Matthew Smith of the Archdiocese of Denver. In the inaugural issue, Msgr. Smith wrote: “If you like a Catholic paper with snap, vigor, courage, here it is. If you like one that is easy to read, here it is. If you like one that will always be loyal to the Church and has no selfish axe to grind, here it is.”

After more than 80 years, the National Catholic Register continues to provide its readers with timely news reporting from across the United States, from the Vatican, and from around the world. Today, we take Msgr. Smith’s words and put them into action.

The Register is read by tens of thousands of active lay Catholics along with over 800 priests, 160 bishops, 40 archbishops and 30 Vatican officials.

The National Catholic Register and have become America’s most complete and faithful Catholic news source. In addition to the news that its readers need and expect, the Register also includes edifying feature articles on such topics as the Culture of Life, Catholic education, books, arts & entertainment, Catholic travel, and its award-winning In Person interview series. It is published biweekly, 26 issues per year.


Link to Patheos

Founded in 2008, is the premier online destination to engage in the global dialogue about religion and spirituality and to explore and experience the world's beliefs.

Patheos is the website of choice for the millions of people looking for credible and balanced information about religion. Patheos brings together faith communities, academics, and the broader public into a single environment, and is the place where many people turn on a regular basis for insight, inspiration, and stimulating discussion. Patheos is unlike any other religious and spiritual site on the Web today.

As evidenced by the company founders' story, religion and spirituality continue to be an important part of American life, with more Americans today than ever before identifying themselves as spiritual. In fact, according to the Pew Internet Project, more than 82 million Americans (and 64 percent of all Internet users) utilize the Web for faith-related matters. The importance of religion and spirituality, coupled with the growing use of the Internet for religious matters, point to the ongoing need for an online resource for religious and spiritual engagement and dialogue. Patheos fills this need.

Patheos is a place to:

Find accurate, balanced information on the world's religions in our extensive library.
View religious history and facts through unique interactive tools that allow visitors to compare, contrast, and explore religions and belief systems in new and innovative ways.
Participate in the global dialogue on religion and spirituality through responsible, moderated discussions on critical issues across religious traditions.
Read commentary on current events from a wide range of viewpoints.
Follow your favorite bloggers and columnists.
Engage with others from various faith traditions.
Get a glimpse into the beliefs and traditions of other faith groups in a safe and welcoming environment.


Enlace a Presbíteros

El Presbítero, Pastor y Guía de la Comunidad Parroquial


Enlace a KioskoNet

Todos los periódicos del día. Toda la prensa de hoy.

Catholic Moral Theology

We are a group of North American Catholic moral theologians who come together in friendship to engage each other in theological discussion, to aid one another in our common search for wisdom, and to help one another live lives of discipleship, all in service to the reign of God.

We understand our role as scholars and teachers to be a vocation rooted in the Church and so we seek to place the fruits of our training at the service of the Church, as well as the academy and the world.

We recognize that we as a group will have disagreements, but want to avoid the standard “liberal /conservative” divide that often characterizes contemporary conversation, as well as the bitterly divisive tone of so much ethical discussion (particularly on the internet).

We therefore endeavor to converse with each other and others in a spirit of respect, charity, and humility.

Muerte digna

Enlace a Muerte digna

Soy Luis de Moya y ofrezco en estas páginas argumentos en defensa de la vida humana digna del enfermo y del anciano en sus momentos finales. No matar es tan decisivo para la humanidad que, aparte de ser un imperativo naturalmente impreso en nuestro ser, constituye desde siempre un precepto que exigen médicos, juristas, filósofos, moralistas, personas corrientes con sentido común y que el testimonio de muchos que saben vivir con dignidad en situaciones difíciles, exige que sea adecuadamente garantizado.

Vida digna

Enlace a Vida digna

El Área de Trabajo VIDAdigna de Profesionales por la Ética surge como respuesta a la pretensión de abordar la legalización de la eutanasia y el suicidio asistido; nuestra misión es la defensa de una ViDA DIGNA para todos hasta el final y la propuesta de alternativas multidisciplinares verdaderamente humanizadoras del dolor y el sufrimiento.


Informar y sensibilizar a la opinión pública y a los profesionales sanitarios y sociales sobre las implicaciones de la cultura de la vida ante enfermedades terminales y situaciones difíciles desde el punto de vista de la salud.

Proponer y articular alternativas viables a la eutanasia, dirigidas, de manera particular, a la extensión de los cuidados paliativos y al desarrollo de una cultura de “la buena muerte”.

Movilizar a la sociedad española ante las medidas legislativas y acciones políticas de la administración a favor la legalización de la eutanasia como muerte intencionada de personas enfermas.

Generar un debate permanente e informado sobre la eutanasia y ejercer presión social para que se mantenga la plena protección de la vida, hasta la muerte natural, en la legislación penal española.

Con dignidad

Enlace a Con dignidad

Bienvenido a ConDignidad

Ante el actual debate público sobre la eutanasia, un grupo de profesionales (médicos, juristas, psicólogos, enfermeros, expertos en ética, periodistas, etc.) hemos puesto en marcha esta web como instrumento de reflexión, con sentido positivo.

Son todavía muchas las personas que se encuentran en una grave situación de sufrimiento o dependencia, y que no reciben la atención precisa ni los cuidados adecuados. Pensamos que, para ayudar a esas personas, hay alternativas más dignas y creativas que la eutanasia. Consideramos que una persona no pierde su dignidad aunque padezca una discapacidad o su cuerpo esté deteriorado por la enfermedad: en esa situación tiene un verdadero derecho a ser tratada de una manera digna y a recibir toda la ayuda que necesite.

Nos preocupa, y no nos parece razonable, que se valore la posibilidad de legalizar la eutanasia cuando hay todavía muchos enfermos que no tienen acceso a unos Cuidados Paliativos de calidad.

Con un abordaje interdisciplinar, procuraremos ir creando un fondo documental que proporcione argumentos para una reflexión serena.

ADEC, The Thanatology Association

Link to ADEC

About ADEC

The Association for Death Education and Counseling®, The Thanatology Association®, is one of the oldest interdisciplinary organizations in the field of dying, death and bereavement. Its nearly 2,000 members include a wide array of mental and medical health personnel, educators, clergy, funeral directors and volunteers.

ADEC offers numerous educational opportunities through its annual conference, courses and workshops, its certification program, and via its acclaimed publication, The Forum.

Vision Statement

The Association for Death Education and Counseling® envisions a world in which dying, death, and bereavement are recognized as fundamental and significant aspects of the human experience. Therefore, the Association, ever committed to being on the forefront of thanatology (the study of death and dying), will provide a home for professionals from diverse backgrounds to advance the body of knowledge and to promote practical applications of research and theory.

Salesian Lay Missioners, Finding Christ in the Face of a Child


The Salesian Lay Missioner (SLM) program traces its roots back to 1981, when Fr. Dominic DeBlase, SDB asked Fr. A. Joseph Louis, SDB to study the feasibility of beginning a lay volunteer program to help the Salesians in their various works throughout the world. The idea was to have lay people work alongside Salesians teaching in their schools, oratories, youth centers, and orphanages. Several international site visits, various interviews, and two years later, Fr. Louis sent out the first SLM to Colombia to work with the street children.

Since that time, more than 350 men and women have been sent to over 20 countries to work on projects ranging from youth ministry to agriculture and nursing.

Each year the SLM program expands to serve more of the world’s underprivileged youth. As times change, so do the needs and the site placements. We are asked by Salesian communities on a yearly basis to send volunteers to places all over the world: from the jungles of Papua New Guinea to the frozen lands of Mongolia.

And each year we carefully look at the sites to see where the most needs are.

Confraternity of Penitents

Confraternity of Penitents Catholic Lay Association of the Faithful: Living St. Francis' Original Rule of Life for Lay People in Modern Times

The Confraternity of Penitents is an international, non-profit, tax exempt private association of the Roman Catholic faithful laity, with commendation, under the Bishop of the Diocese of Fort Wayne/South Bend, Indiana, USA. Its original foundation had been in the Diocese of Providence, Rhode Island, in the 1990's.

Confraternity members live, within their own homes, modern constitutions to the original rule for penitent lay people which Saint Francis of Assisi gave to the men and women of his time in the year 1221. Today a few other groups are also living expressions of this Rule of 1221 for the laity. However, the Confraternity of Penitents (CFP) differs from these few others in that the Confraternity's Vision is "TO LIVE THE RULE OF 1221 AS CLOSELY AS POSSIBLE TO ITS ORIGINAL INTENT." That intent was to have the penitent laity focus on surrender to God through faith, prayer, fasting and abstinence, simplicity of dress, and works of mercy. Might this be what you are seeking?

The CFP Constitutions adapt the Rule to modern times so that penitents do not appear singular or novel in modern society just as they did not appear singular or novel in their own society of 1221, while still requiring clothing parameters as did the original Rule The CFP members follow the same days of fast and abstinence, pray the same prayers, hold the same sorts of communal gatherings, and participate in works of mercy just as did the penitents of Saint Francis's time. Can you picture yourself living your life in this peaceful, joyful, and organized way?

Is it possible today to live an 800 year old Rule of Life, that spawned many saints, in one's own home? Our nearly thirty professed members prove that it is! Come and see what the Confraternity of Penitents has to offer! You may be surprised that a life of penance (conversion) will be your joyful path to surrender to God and holiness!

Marist Laity in the United States

Marists are people who are called to do the work of Mary in her name and with her spirit. We are members of the Society of Mary, a family of many branches-priests, brothers, sisters and lay people.

Lay Missionaries of Charity

Who We Are! 

The Movement known as the Lay Missionaries of Charity (LMC) is an International Association of Lay people: married and single who adhering to the Spirit and Charism of the M.C. Family make private (juridically) vows of Chastity (conjugal), Poverty, Obedience and the fourth vow of Whole-Hearted Free Service to the poorest of the poor beginning with the members of one's own family. Remaining in the heart of the world, the LMCs consecrate the world itself to God everywhere offering worship by the holiness of their lives expressed through prayer, penance and works of mercy, after the example of the Holy Family of Nazareth.

Formación Pastoral para Laicos


El Equipo Editor es dirigido por el P. José Ramón Martínez Galdeano, S.J. y es integrado por laicos de la Parroquia San Pedro, Lima - Perú, que a través de este blog queremos contribuir en la formación pastoral para laicos, es decir formación en varios aspectos de la vida cristiana, dando a conocer el mensaje de Cristo para que cada uno haga de él guía de su propia vida.

El blog es también una respuesta que damos ante el llamado de ser discípulos y misioneros de Jesucristo que conlleva a seguirlo, vivir en intimidad con él e imitar su ejemplo, y en especial a dar testimonio.

Asimismo este blog responde a la invitación que Su Santidad Benedicto XVI realizó en su discurso inaugural en Aparecida, con respecto a los medios para dar a conocer el mensaje de Cristo “En esta campo no hay que limitarse sólo a las homilías, conferencias, cursos de Biblia o teología, sino que se ha de recurrir también a los medios de comunicación: prensa, radio y televisión, sitios de internet, foros y tantos otros sistemas para comunicar eficazmente el mensaje de Cristo a un gran número de personas.”

Nos identificamos con la propuesta de Aparecida al disponernos a emprender esta nueva aventura de apostolado a través de este medio declarándonos en misión permanente, asumiendo el compromiso de ir alimentando el blog periódicamente y progresivamente.

De la misma manera nos sentimos parte de la Gran Misión Continental convocada en Aparecida, compartimos la alegría de difundir el mensaje de Cristo a quienes no lo han hecho vida en la Iglesia universal, de tal modo que formemos con todos nuestros hermanos y hermanas la comunidad de amor de nuestro Padre Dios.

Para cumplir con nuestra labor contamos con la generosa y entusiasta colaboración de padres jesuitas quienes nos comparten sus artículos que con frecuencia publicamos y que enriquecen el blog, quienes han venido colaborando con el blog son los padres Antonio González Callizo, Adolfo Franco, Fernando Martínez, Ignacio Garro, Miguel Girón, Guillermo Villalobos y Enrique Rodríguez. El P. Vicente Gallo, S.J.†, nos acompañó desde nuestros inicios con los temas dirigidos a matrimonios y parejas, hasta su partida a la Casa del Padre en julio del 2012. A todos ellos les damos las gracias y con ellos queremos compartir este apostolado porque el blog es de todos aquellos que lo hacen parte de su labor pastoral.

Invocamos a Dios a que nos guíe en este caminar, de tal manera que lo que podamos ofrecer responda a las necesidades de nuestros hermanos y hermanas y pedimos a María, Madre de Dios y Madre nuestra a que nos acompañe e interceda por esta pequeña labor apostólica.

Comunidad de Vida Cristiana, CVX Colombia

Comunidad de Vida Cristiana Católica con espiritualidad ignaciana. Somos un conjunto de cristianos de todas las condiciones sociales, que deseamos seguir más de cerca a Jesucristo. Nuestro propósito es llegar a ser cristianos comprometidos, dando testimonio en la sociedad y teniendo una opción preferencial por los pobres.

Christian Life Community of the USA

Our Community

Christian Life Community (CLC) is an international association of men and women who desire to follow Jesus Christ more closely and work with Him to build a world of justice and peace. A lay pupblic institute with pontifical right, it works in close collaboration with the Society of Jesus and is animated by the spirituality of its founder, St. Ignatius Loyola. CLC bears witness to human and Gospel values within the Church and society, in the concreteness of the time and place where we live, which affect the dignity of the human person, the welfare of the family, and the integrity of creation.

CLC is a vocation that calls us both as individuals and as communities to integrate our experience of Ignatian spirituality with Christian community and Gospel mission. This integration is the charism of CLC – a living sacrament of the present moment.

The mission of American Christian Life Communities is to live the Ignatian vision in the Church and culture of the United States of America, and it extends to family, work, society, town, Church and nation. The CLC mission is identified with Christ’s mission of bringing the Good News to all, especially the poor, of opening hearts to conversion, and struggling to change oppressive structures.

CLC spirituality is deeply rooted in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Through Ignatian spirituality, members of Christian Life Communities share in this gift and spirit.

CLC today is comprised of some sixty national communities around the world. India, Madagascar and Lebanon have significantly larger memberships. In CLC-USA there are more than 2,000 adult members representing various cultural backgrounds and age groups just like the country itself. Over the past ten years CLC-USA has become a microcosm of the world community, being multi-cultural and multi-linguistic across an age span from teen to senior citizen.

Camino Neocatecumenal

El Camino Neocatecumenal

§ 1.  La naturaleza del camino neocatecumenal es definida de S:S: Juan Pablo II cuando escribe: " Reconozco el Camino Neocatecumenal como un itinerario de formaciòn catolica, valida para la sociedad y para los tiempos modernos"

§ 2.  El Camino Neocatecumenal está al servicio del Obispo como una de las modalidades de la actuaciòn diocesana de la iniciación cristiana y de la educación permanente a la fe.

§ 3.  El Camino Neocatecumenal, dotado de personalidad juridica pública, consta de un conjunto de bienes espirituales:

El "Neocatecumenado" , o catecumenado post-bautismal;
La educación permanente a la fe;
El catecumenado;
El servicio de la catequesis.

En la Iglesia primitiva. Cuando el mundo era pagano, el que quería hacerse cristiano debía iniciar un "catecumenado" , que era un itinerario de formación para prepararse al Bautismo. Hoy el proceso de secularización ha llevado tantas personas a abandonar la fe y la Iglesia: por esto es necesario un itinerario de formación al cristianismo.

El Camino Neocatecumenal no es un movimiento o una asociaciòn, sino un instrumento en las parroquias al servicio de los Obispos para conducir a la fe tantas personas que la han abandonado. Iniciado en los años '60 en una de los suburbios mas pobres de Madrid por Kiko Arguello y Carmen Hernandez, fue bienvenido por el entonces Arzobispo de Madrid, Casimiro Morcillo, que reconoció en aquel primer grupo un descubrimiento de la Palabra de Dios y una actuación práctica de la renovación litúrgica promovida en aquellos años del Concilio.

Constatada la positiva experiencia en las parroquias de Madrid, en el 1974 la Congregación para el Culto Divino elige el nombre de Camino Neocatecumenal para esta experiencia. Se trata de un camino de conversión a través del cual se pueden descubrir las riquezas del Evangelio.

En estos años el Camino se ha extendido por más de 900 Diócesis de 105 Naciones, con más de 20 mil comunidades en 6.000 parroquias. En el 1987 se abrió en Roma el Seminario Misionario Internacional "Redemptoris Mater" que aloja jóvenes que han madurado sus vocaciones en una comunidad neocatecumenal y que están dispuestos a ir por todo el mundo.

Sucesivamente muchos Obispos han seguido la experiencia de Roma y hoy en el mundo son más de 70 seminarios diocesanos misionarios "Redemptoris Mater" donde se están formando màs de mil seminaristas.

Recientemente, en respuesta a la llamada del Papa a la nueva evangelización, muchas familias que han recorrido el Camino, se han ofrecido para ayudar la misión de la Iglesia yendo a vivir en las zonas más secularizadas y descristianizadas del mundo, preparando el nacimiento de nuevas parroquias misionarias.

The Brothers and Sisters of Penance

The Brothers and Sisters of Penance of St. Francis is a private Association of the Catholic Church whose members strive to model their lives according to the Rule and Statutes of the Primitive Rule of the Third Order of St. Francis, which was written for lay people in 1221 at the request of St. Francis of Assisi.

Here is what history says: "…the men and women of that village wanted to follow St. Francis…and to abandon their village. But St. Francis did not leave them, saying to them: 'Don't be in a hurry, and don't leave, for I will arrange what you should do for the salvation of your souls', and he planned the Third Order of the Continent for the salvation of all people everywhere." (Little Flowers of St. Francis)

The Association was born from the original Rule of the Third Order of St. Francis as contained in the Franciscan Omnibus of Sources and the resultant Stella Matutina movement in the Secular Franciscan Order in Minnesota in the late 1980's under the guidance of Father Valerius Messerich O.F.M.. It was formally recognized in 1996 in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis with the blessing, encouragement and support of Archbishop Harry J. Flynn. The Archbishop further honored the Association by accepting the first formal professions of the first members who completed formation in Minnesota in 2003. Now both the Association and the Rule of life have been informally approved by several bishops of the Roman Catholic Church in various dioceses across the United States, and other countries. Every bishop who has been introduced to the Brothers and Sisters of Penance has supported the movement as a definitive return to the Gospel life.

As an Association The Brothers and Sisters of Penance of St. Francis is open to all Catholics including Third Order members, oblates, and members of other Catholic lay movements and Associations. We draw no lines on membership. However, although our vision, mission, spirituality and formation is deeply founded in the mystery and beauty of the life of St. Francis, the Association is not connected to the Franciscan Orders in any formal way.

Our members must adhere to all the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church and the magisterium. They live the life of penance of the Rule of 1221 in their own homes, as that is how St. Francis wanted it. Archbishop Roger Schwietz of Anchorage, when first exposed to the movement, said "this is good and holy". No one has ever said it was easy. It is a demanding lifestyle, of prayer, penance, and increasing simplicity and poverty, but the rewards are sweet, vast, and eternal for those who persist. It is a gift we bring to God.

The life of penance is to be lived quietly, so as to be virtually invisible to those around us. However, it is lived and shared in the faithful community of members in this Association. Chapters of members can form in any community, and with the communication systems of today it is intended that there be no isolated members in the Association.

With God, there are no coincidences. God has brought you to this site. Review the site prayerfully, and seek an answer in your heart to the Lord's call, as He made to his first disciples', "Come after me…" (Matt. 4:21). He calls us all. Perhaps He wishes to use your interest in this Association to draw you into a deeper union with Himself. Spend time at this web site, read our Rule and Statutes, and ask God to guide you into His perfect plan for your life.

Olive Leaf Journal, A Lay Catholic Perspective

Welcome to the Olive Leaf Journal

THIS WEBSITE is maintained by members of A People of Peace Community, Inc. We are largely a group of lay Catholics who, for over 30 years, have chosen to share our lives together in a common effort to respond to the gift of God’s love.

We are ordinary people touched by extraordinary grace. We have jobs and many of us are married with children and grandchildren; we have all the joys and struggles of ordinary life. We strive to be faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church because that is the vehicle our Father uses to touch us, love us, form us, support us and commission us. Our response is that of the laity, which is reflected in this Journal.

While we believe that the fullness of God’s revelation is contained within the Catholic Church, we also understand that we are still growing into that revelation and, as we grow, so may our understanding deepen.

The first Olive Leaf was a print periodical made available in the parishes of the Archdiocèse de Saint-Boniface and the Archdiocese of Winnipeg at the invitation of the pastor. Its purpose was to edify, inform and support the laity. Olive Leaf was distributed without charge for several years. This website was originally established as an adjunct of the print journal.

We have seen that, while people have many reasons for coming here, there are a number of questions which keep coming up. In response, we have decided to answer them as best we can and broaden the website so that it points the way to additional resources.

WELCOME to the Olive Leaf Journal. We hope and pray that it will help deepen your experience of our Father’s love for you.

miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2013

Quiero ser santo

Programa alegre y dinámico de variedades destinado a los jóvenes. Con secciones de eventos interesantes, conexiones con los reporteros qss, Ilusionismo, humor, reportajes, y un sin fin de videos propios que harán muy ameno y cercano este original programa presentado por Marta Rodríguez y el Padre Sergio en el que tratarán de animarnos a todos a ser santos.

National Association of Catholic Youth Ministry Leaders


2012 NACYML Leadership TeamNACYML, a service of the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry, promotes the profession and practice of Catholic youth ministry.