jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015


Doing the RCIA is a big responsibility, and no one likes to feel unsure and isolated. In 2007 we saw how business leaders were using the Internet to share and connect, not just with their customers but also with each other. We thought parish ministers and volunteers could certainly do the same. That’s why we started TeamRCIA.

Because once we’re connected with each other, we can do amazing things:

Convert hearts to Jesus Christ
Build thriving parishes
Break free of “the way we’ve always done it”
Go way beyond our own limits
Be inspired and inspiring
We began with a blog—a web journal—to create an online community of people who are passionate about sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ through parish initiation ministry. Today TeamRCIA is a community of over 10,000 parish ministers and volunteers throughout North America and beyond. We provide accessible and effective RCIA resources that help parish teams initiate and form disciples for Christ’s mission.

Our mission is to help you be the minister your parish needs and that God has called you to be. We believe in you. You can do amazing things.

Música y Liturgia

El blog Música y liturgia pretende ser un foro de comunicación y formación sobre el significado del canto y de la música en la liturgia. Su contenido, en forma de entradas alternadas con entrevistas, referencias al mundo de la literatura, del cine o de la música, pretende ayudar a reflexionar a quienes tienen compromisos pastorales en sus comunidades cristianas para que la animación de la liturgia con cantos nos lleve espontáneamente a una liturgia cantada, orante, en la que toda la asamblea participe de “forma activa”. 

Nuestras asambleas no necesitan maestros y doctores para alabar a Dios con dignidad, pero sí pastores y animadores, personas formadas en música y liturgia capaces de hacernos sentir una fuerte “emoción litúrgica” en nuestras celebraciones. Nos conformaríamos, como la hemorroísa del evangelio, con tocar, al menos, el borde del manto; en nuestro caso, el manto de la liturgia y la música en la liturgia: «Aunque no logre tocar más que el borde de su manto, sanaré.» (Mc, 5, 25-34).

Reflejos de Luz