miércoles, 18 de septiembre de 2013

Greening Sacred Spaces. Faith and the Common Good. Seeking common ground for the common good

As peoples of differing faiths and cultures, we affirm common values of justice, peace, participation, human rights, ecological inter-relationship, and compassion as cornerstones of a healthy society.

Seeking the common good in Canada is a tradition long-lived by peoples who have struggled to be a community in the rugged beauty of this land. The harsh climate, the distances, and the inter-mixing of peoples have challenged us, yet we have also been sustained by the belief - still valid today - that this land and people have tremendous opportunities ahead.

The world community, and Canadians themselves view this northern place as a land of opportunity and tolerance; a place to create a home where peace, fairness, democracy, ecological well-being, economic opportunity, and seeking the common good are a way of life.

Yet we increasingly live in a competitive era of brand-name consumerism and mega-market homogenisation. Faith & the Common Good is an initiative asking Canadians what values we believe should form our communities - small and large.

Faith & the Common Good is intentionally being inter-faith and inter-cultural in its organisation and objectives because this is Canada now, and increasingly will be in our future. To live inter-faith/inter-culturally in a spirit of the common good is our vision for Canada.

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